
Prof. Vanderley John

Associate Professor

Universidade de São Paulo

Vanderley M John is Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Engineering, Polytechnic School at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and is the coordinator of Post-Graduate Studies.

Working in collaboration with industry, he is involved in several research projects in the fields of eco-efficient solutions and sustainable buildings policy; durability of materials and development of sustainable building materials like asbestos-free reinforced concrete, natural fiber reinforced materials, the use of waste as a raw material, advanced cement-based materials (FGM, biomimetic and self-cleaning), and development of LCA-based tools. He is also active in education for sustainability, teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as organizing conferences and giving lectures to engineers and architects.

Vanderley M John holds a BSc from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil, an MEng in civil engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and a PhD in civil engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. He was also guest researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

He is a Member of the Board of the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction (Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável, CBCS), Vice-President of the Building Committee of the Brazilian Standards & Technology Association (ABNT), and Vice-President of the Science Society, Brazilian Association for Built Environment Technology (ANTAC).

He is a member of the National Committee for Quality & Productivity on “Habitat” (the Brazilian Research Program for Housing Technology), as well as a member of the São Paulo State Environmental Chamber of the Construction Industry.

He is co-author of The Challenge of Sustainable Construction / O Desafio da Sustentabilidade na Construção Civil (Blucher Editora, 2011).

Vanderley M John was a member of the Global Holcim Innovation prize jury in 2012. He was a member of the Awards jury for Latin America in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014.